"If you are unemployed and need an outfit clean for an interview, we will clean it for free" : "in case of unemployment, shall You offer service both for the body and the soul to be free for an interview?"
>font face = “courier new”< on March First Twenty Twelve, i went to the hospital >/br< just for a breath to take amongst the red pine trees >/br< it was raining cats and dogs, birds were on branches >/br< visitors smoked like chimney, the names were capital >/br< later weather turned to snow, birds cheered to dance >/br< every note of joy from birds, merry glow of radiance >/br< the amount of snow crystals were not less then notes >/br< visitors were tasting coffee, cats dogs kept afloats >/font<
thanks for this interview : http://inspiringthots.com/movie/my-prayer1.php
"If you are unemployed and need an outfit clean for an interview, we will clean it for free" : "in case of unemployment, shall You offer service both for the body and the soul to be free for an interview?"
>font face = “courier new”< on March First Twenty Twelve, i went to the hospital >/br< just for a breath to take amongst the red pine trees >/br< it was raining cats and dogs, birds were on branches >/br< visitors smoked like chimney, the names were capital >/br< later weather turned to snow, birds cheered to dance >/br< every note of joy from birds, merry glow of radiance >/br< the amount of snow crystals were not less then notes >/br< visitors were tasting coffee, cats dogs kept afloats >/font<
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